A controversy broke out after a union argued that businesses have a “duty of care” to menopausal men.
The warning warns workplaces that if they do not safeguard men from bullying or harassment, they may face legal action.
It argues that men should not be embarrassed to admit to having symptoms such as insomnia and hot flushes, characterising it as “a normal biological change that every man experiences.”
According to the Community Union, which covers a variety of industries including steel and justice, persons suffering from severe andropause – “male menopause” – may be classified as incapacitated.
Men who are struggling are also urged to ask for help from seniors with requests such as special uniforms.
The guidance has received backlash with some labelling the new advice as “an absolute joke”.
“I would rather go to a tribunal than give in to this ‘manopause’ nonsense,” Charlie Mullins, the founder of Pimlico Plumbers told the Daily Mail.
The Community Union states in advice to members: “You should not feel ashamed to talk about a normal biological change that every man experiences.
“If you are experiencing bullying or harassment because you are going through the andropause, your employer has a duty of care to prevent this.”
It comes as it was revealed that hundreds of councils, universities, police forces, fire departments, and NHS institutions had policies in place.
The guidelines are being issued despite the NHS England website calling the word “misleading” since it indicates men experience a sudden decline in testosterone in middle life.
Other unions, like as Unison and GMB, do not cover male menopause but acknowledge that “the menopause affects a wide range of people.”
In its policy, GMB says: “people from the non-binary, transgender and intersex communities may also experience menopausal symptoms”.
While, Unison’s guidance notes that trans women “may experience pseudo-menopausal symptoms if their hormone therapy treatment is interrupted”