New Vatican Questionnaire NOW INCLUDES ‘Non-Binary’ Gender Options

A new Vatican questionnaire gives respondents the option of declaring their gender as male, female, or other.

The questionnaire, titled “The Church Listens,” aims to collect people’s opinions about the Church, with the results “sent to the Synod of Bishops, which will meet in Rome in October 2023 to give new life to the Church.”

“Pope Francis wants to know how we see the Church and what we think the Church should do to bring her closer to us so that we can move forward together,” says Monsignor Lucio Adrian Ruiz, Secretary for the Vatican’s communications department.

The survey then asks whether respondents believe the Church “listens/speaks with other social groups?” LGBTQI+ people, journalists, labour unions, businesspeople, people of other faiths, scientists? ”

Again, the answer is “assist and accompany LGBTQI+ persons” among the options for commitments the Church should make to draw closer to people.

While Pope Francis has urged the Church to treat all people with dignity as God’s children, he has also stated that God creates humans as male and female.

The pope also stated that gender theory is “dangerous” because it implicitly seeks “to destroy at the root that creative project that God wanted for each of us — diversity and inclusion — by homogenising and neutralising everything.”

“It’s an attack on difference, on God’s creativity, on man and woman,” said Francis.

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