Migrants living at a central London hotel barricaded the gate and protested “inhuman conditions” yesterday night.
On Thursday, approximately 25 refugees refused to return to their rooms. The asylum seekers, who are originally from Bangladesh, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Iran, Iraq, and Somalia, are staying at the Comfort Inn in Pimlico.
Migrants said they would sleep outside the hotel with blankets, duvets, pillows, and bags.
They also barred the front door and used a marker pen as an improvised bolt to “lock” it.
The protest appears to be going on until migrants are granted single rooms.
During a separate stay at another hotel, many of the asylum seekers were given single rooms with en suite bathrooms.
However, while staying at the Comfort Inn, there are reportedly four migrants to a single room, with two bunk beds and a “smelly” toilet.
A 27-year-old Iranian told The Telegraph: “Two square metres is not enough for sleeping four people. And when you go to the toilet, the smell damages you.”
A 21-year-old Kurdish migrant added: “When we checked on Google Maps, we said, oh this is very nice.
“But when you get in, it’s like a jail. And they treat you very, very bad. They treat you like an animal.”
Posters saying “help us,” “this is a prison, not a hotel,” “inhuman conditions, dirty rooms” and “homeless by the Home Office” were stuck up at the hotel entrance and on nearby traffic lights.
The refugees were shifted to the three-star hotel as the Home Office strives to reduce the £6 million per day expense of keeping 50,000 asylum seekers in hotels. Migrants are also paid £45 per week, or £9.10 per week if they receive room and board.
The Home Office has authorised the construction of 400 hotels, including four-star country estates and premier wedding sites.
The Home Office has proposed other options such as using two decommissioned RAF bases, a former jail facility, army barracks, and a boat.